Another exhibition coming round the bend. I finished installing yesterday and it was reasonably low maintenance which is my favourite kind of install. It was largely low maintenance because on Sunday my Dad bought my paintings to the gallery in his big truck, so transport was easy, and then everything was there for me to hang I just went ahead and did it. *Dusts hands* done and done. I'm happy with the works in the show individually, but I think that I do have trouble 'curating' my work together or something. I can never make more than two works that look like they belong in the same space together. This time I tried to make an effort to make a more consistent like 'body' of work, but ended up with three paintings that work together, along side two paintings that work together, and then one work that stands alone. I do put it down to the fact that I'm changing the way that I make very rapidly, and I make works quickly, and I'm still learning. My aesthetic decisions depend on my mood and environment which is often different, and my ideas of what I want are not always consistent. I think this is okay, because I don't want the other end of the spectrum where I make essentially the same work over and over again, but I do want some sort of unity that distinguishes particular periods of making.
I'm excited to show my work at Tcb. It's an artist run space just off Little Bourke Street in the city, and has been around forever (well, like 15 years). I've always thought of it as a particularly critically engaged space, which is why I'm a little nervous to have my work there as I often think my work doesn't really sit within contemporary critical dialogue - I'm not referencing essays, philosophers (if you don't count the Rolling Stones, ha) or anything of that vein really. I live in my own little world and make references to things in my own little world. Basically I don't want people who are really smart to see the show and be like "wow she's not all she's cracked up to be" kind of thing. I am 'smart' or whatever but smart in a different way.
I have a lot on over the next few days. Work tomorrow, my opening tomorrow night (come along if you want!), work on Thursday and then like, on my lunch break I'm going to the NGV to give a talk (a private session, sorry, otherwise I'd make you all come along to that too). I'll survive but as usual I probably should have made the most of today doing freelance/art stuff so that I don't have to do it in between work towards the end of the week. Instead I went to Heide Museum of Modern Art with Mum today and had a look at Future Primitive which is the show on there at the moment. I also went to Savers and bought stuff I don't need including a book on Magic Tricks from the 80s and a book on Witchcraft from the 70s. So necessary, just what I needed ya know. I also painted my nails and have made a pact with myself not to peel it off until at least Thursday morning, we'll see how that goes shall we.
Below is one of the works in my exhibition. It's a drawing that I got printed large scale on fabric. To request a catalogue with prices, dimensions and mediums of the works in this exhibition, please contact info@dainesinger.com :)
One last time, here are the logistical details! Everyone is welcome at the opening, bring friends, etc, and of course everyone is welcome to come and check it out during the gallery hours!
Here are some pictures from Heide today:
Erica McGilchrist |
Richard Larter |
Sarah Contos |
Jess Johnson |
Mikala Dwyer |
TV Moore |
X Till next time