"We're very happy but we don't mind"

I have been thinking about the importance of solidarity. I've been blessed lately with feeling like I am my own entity, that I exist within a sphere of "I". Sometimes I think I know who "I" am without referring to other 'beings' to give myself context. However, I'm not sure this is at all possible. 

Here is a quote from R.D Laing's book 'The Divided Self' "We all exist in the world as beings, defined by others who carry a model of us in their minds, just as we carry models of them in our minds" he also says that:"we are existing for others, who exist for us". I think this is fascinating in a sense that it points out the co-dependent cyclic nature of our relationships. Although I think I know who "I" am, my idea of myself is based upon a reflection of this idea, thrown back at me through interactions with others.

This is sounding like a nonsensical essay I should be writing instead of a light hearted musing on my blog. Above are some collages I made yesterday.

The Beast Day


"I hate everyone and I don't want to do anything"