Stardust Memories/Breath-les

The vibes are in black and white today which is kind of nice. Black and white feels more authentic sometimes, perhaps because it eliminates colour as a distraction and allows one to focus more on form, action and the contrast between light and dark. Although a huge ambassador for colour, sometimes it's calming to watch a film in black and white or to do some photocopying in black and white or desaturate my photographs.

I've had a day in the studio today, not an altogether productive day but technically I'm on my week long 'mid-semester break' so I'm entitled to a little bit of 'down time'. Really I should be writing essays, proposals, slapping paint on as many surfaces as I can get my hands on... but so far I've just been losing myself in films and utterly ridiculous circumstances with friends. It's nice.

I like being in the studios on the holidays because it's so quiet. When no-one is around it's great because I can play music and hum to myself without feeling self conscious and have a great sticky beak into some of the teen angsty first year studios. I dunno today was a good day. Hope yours was too.



On my mind